Kelley Green Book
The Watch Resource
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How can I sell my watch to Juell Time?
It’s pretty easy really. Start by texting us pictures of your watch and details like model number, serial number, what it comes with, etc… don’t worry, as soon as you text us, we will introduce ourselves and ask you for what we need.
How does Juell Time determine the amount of money to purchase my watch for without seeing it in person?
Juell Time is in the business of buying your watches and jewelry. When it comes to watches, we are able to usually give a fairly accurate offer if you can give us the information we need to do so. Of course, our offer is based off what we expect the condition to be when we get the watch in hand to confirm. To get the closest to accurate pricing we would need good pictures, including the brand, model number, serial number, condition, how complete or incomplete it is, if it has all the original links, if it has any aftermarket modifications, if it needs to be serviced or needs any repairs. One good way to be able to tell the condition of a luxury watch like Rolex is by the bracelet. I call the bracelet the odometer of a watch. The bracelet tells you how many miles is on the watch by how far down it droops. Bracelets are not cheap to replace on a watch so the condition of the bracelet is a major factor in determining the pricing when we purchase it or take it in on trade.
What other factors determine the amount of money Juell Time pays me for my watch?
Juell Time takes many factors into consideration when purchasing your watch. When we go to re-sell your watch, we need to be able to guarantee the watch is free of any damage, while also providing a warranty. We will service the watch and refurbish it to like new on the inside and out. When we list your watch for sale on our various platforms, we have to add in commissions the various platforms charge, credit card fees, shipping fees (because in order to get higher SEO we have to offer free shipping but we still have to pay for it), if the watch is “naked” meaning it doesn’t have any of the original paperwork, boxes, booklets and tags, then we will often add that back to it to make it more retail ready as more clients will be interested with it. Those sets cost us between $400 and $1000 depending on the watch it’s for. All of that said, when you google your watch and see that it is being “sold” online for $10,000, keep in mind that $10,000 is what those sellers are asking for it, that does not mean that is what they actually got for it. There is a way to search sites like ebay for sold items to see what a watch like yours actually sold for in recent weeks, days or months. Once you figure out what a watch like yours actually sold for, then you make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Often times a watch might be a complete set while yours is a watch only, or even short a few links can change the price drastically on a gold watch. So it is important to “even the pricing playing field” when coming up with comps for your watch. Once you have determined an accurate retail price comparison, next step is to subtract the platform fees, credit card fees, shipping, handling and insurance costs. Then subtract the cost to provide a retail client your warranty by servicing and refurbishing the watch. Then you are left with what we as the seller MIGHT end up with after selling the watch, and that’s assuming the seller is able to get at least what the previous sale got. It is safe to assume that there are sometimes outliers that a customer could have over paid for the watch so we have to assume that we may not get as much for the watch. Then we also have to realize that as a business, in order for Juell Time to keep their “doors open” we have some overhead expenses like wages for office managers who handle our shipping, printers, computers, packing tape and materials, insurance policies in case of theft, firearms and permits, plus firearms education and practice, tools and equipment used to clean, service, waterproof and time test watches. If we subtract the overhead expenses that keep us in business, and then also pay the business a few bucks since we’re not working pro bono here, we gotta feed our families too, we’re finally left with the amount we are offering you for your watch. Now you can try to get more money for the watch by selling it yourself, but one thing about the luxury watch industry that makes it challenging to do that is lack of a reputation. People won’t want to send a stranger $10,000 without knowing who they are. When you sell your watch to a company like Juell Time that has an excellent reputation world wide, with a huge reach, with an SEO presence that has been brewing since 1999, then you don’t have to convince anyone that you’re safe to send a $10,000 bank wire to.
Who sells their watches to Juell Time?
Oftentimes previous clients will trade their watches back in for an upgrade. We also have customers who need the money for a business venture or a kitchen remodel. I have purchased watches from clients who simply won the watch as a sales award at work and decided they would rather have the money for a special vacation. Unfortunately when a loved one passes away, and they leave their valuables to their loved ones, they might rather have the money for other things. Sometimes divorce results in selling of watches to pay for attorney fees. The list goes on, but a luxury watch like a Rolex that holds its value so well can really be treated like a bank transfer. They can be sold for cash fairly easily and they don’t depreciate like cars do.
What causes people to sell their watches to Juell Time?
So many different things, but the stuff I hear most is divorce, home remodel, buying a new house, buying a new car, getting married, trading up, need cash for whatever (none of my business, LOL), someone died and left it, award from work and didn’t want it, the list goes on.
Where Can I meet you to sell my watch to Juell Time?
Since we are an all online store and don’t have a brick and mortar, we offer a really cool service for our clients. Because most of our clients don’t ship tons of high value items every day, they aren’t set up for insuring that much on a fedex priority overnight package. If they went to fedex to insure a package for $20,000, Fedex would charge them hundreds of dollars, I would say in the $300 – $500 range. Because we do so much volume, we have a special discounted rate so we transfer that rate to you by creating a Fedex Shipping label for you in our system and emailing it to you for you to print out wherever you are located. As long as you follow our guidelines laid out in the email, you are covered. Don’t worry, it’s fairly simple: 1) Double box to protect it from getting smashed basically, 2) take it to a real fedex location not a walgreens satellite type location or something like that, 3) give it to the fedex employee and ask for a receipt. That’s pretty much it. If you ever have questions about if the fedex location is a real one or a little satellite version we can tell you the addresses that are approved closest to you. Don’t worry, we make it super easy and if you do it this way, it saves a TON of money. The average price for our insured shipping is in the $60 – $70 range so it’s a huge savings.
When can I get paid if I sell my watch on Juell Time?
You have options. If you want quick cash then we can buy your watch outright and you can get paid within 24 hours of us receiving the watch as long as it passes our in house authenticity inspection on Mondays – Thursdays. If we receive the watch on a Friday-Sunday then we just ask that you wait for our authenticators to arrive to do their magic authenticating that happens on Mondays – Thursdays. If you are asking too much for your watch, there are options that you can maybe still get your asking price but it involves a waiting game for the right buyer to come along. Basically we offer to consign the watch, we list the watch on our platforms for the world to see and see what happens. We allow offers, and if offers come in we relay those offers to you and you can decide if you want to accept them or not. We don’t charge any fees for this service as long you just cover any shipping costs or any refurbishment we provided to your watch that we have no way of recovering if you decide to withdrawal the watch from our selling platform. So basically we will work for free for you and take a chance on you, labor wise when it comes to taking pictures and listing your watch for sale, because we think you’ll like us, but we just won’t do a free service and overhaul with polish on your watch to get it retail ready for free, LOL. I’m sure you understand.
How do I get paid if I sell my watch to Juell Time?
How do you want to get paid? Bank wire? Cash? Check? Venmo? Zelle? We can figure it out on a case by case basis since some payment platforms work for high dollar transactions and some don’t.